Organizations Whose Releases Have Appeared on Green Energy Wire

Adaptability Canada

AgriEnergy Producers’ Association of

American Friends of Canadian Land Trusts

Anerca & LOHASWire

ARCA Canada

Association for the Preservation of the Eastern Shore

Automotive Recyclers of Canada

BacTech Environmental Corporation

Banrock Station

Bentall Kennedy

Bicycle Trade Association of Canada

Bill 108 Days of Action

BioRoof Systems

BlueZone Technologies


BOMA Toronto


Building Insight Technologies

Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA)

Building Owners and Managers Association - Toronto (BOMA Toronto)

Camp Manitou

Canada Conserves

Canada's National Brewers

Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment

Canadian Clean Energy Conferences

Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance

Canadian Natural Gas Vehicle Alliance

Canadian Oil Heat Association

Canadian Organic Growers

Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and Environment (CPCHE) and the Canadian Child Care Federation (CCCF)

Canadian Solar

Canadian Technology Accelerator

Canadian Water and Wasterwater Association

Canadian Wind Energy Association / Clean Air Renewable Energy Coalition



Capital One

Capital One Canada

Carter Cameron-Huff

Cat Lake First Nation

Cat Lake First Nation, Luke Natural Resources Institue Finland, Remote Health Diagnostics

Cement Association of Canada

Chapleau Cree First Nation / Missanabie Cree First Nation / Brunswick House First Nation

Charles Fox Consulting

Children's International Summer Villages


Citizens Bank of Canada

City of Hamilton/Ontario Power Authority

Clean Air Foundation


Clean50 and Delta Management



COHA & Cleaner Heat & Ontario COHA

Community Energy Partnership Program

Community Power Fund

Concerned Professional Engineers

Conservation Bureau

Conservation Council of New Brunswick

Conservation Council of Ontario

Conserve the Light

Construction Voyer

Construction Voyer and Owens Corning Canada

Consumers Council of Canada

Container Recycling Institiute

Cornerstone Standards Council

Corporate Knights

CRS Electronics

David Estrin and Isabel Dávila Pereira

Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School Leadership Group

Department of Wild Salmon

Dianne Saxe

DuRock/Cool Roof Summit


Earth Rangers



Eco Strategy / Friends of the Earth Canada



Ellen Schwartzel


Elocity / KSEB

Elocity Technologies

End of Life Vehicle Sector Council

Energy Services Association of Canada

Energy Storage Canada

EnerQuality Corporation


Environmental Commissioner of Ontario

Environmental Communication Options

Environmental Communication Options

Environmental Defence / Ontario Nature / David Susuki Foundation / Wilderness Committee

Espanola Regional Hydro, Greater Sudbury Hydro, A GSU, Hydro One

eSSENTIAL Accessibility

Fashion Takes Action - WEAR

Federation of Community Power Cooperatives

Fifthshire Homes

Fleet Challenge Ontario

Forest Gene Conservation Association

Forest Recovery Canada

Forests Ontario

Forests Ontario / Forest Recovery Canada

Forests Ontario / Greenbelt Foundation

Forests Ontario / Ontario Wood / Gardiner Museum

Forests Ontario/Recycling Council of Ontario

Franke James

Friends of Shelburne Harbour

Friends of the Earth Canada

Friends of the Earth Canada & National Association of Women and the Law

Friends of the Earth Canada / Conservation Council of New Brunswick

Friends of the Earth Canada, Amazon Watch, United Steelworkers of Canada

Friends of the Earth Canada/Ecojustice

Friends of the Earth Canada/Quebec Centre for Environmental Law/EcoJustice

Friends of the Earth/National Association of Women and the Law

Future Innovations Marketing


Glen Murray, MPP Toronto Centre

Global-Regulation Inc

Gord Miller

Great Lakes and St Lawrence Cities Initiative

Greater Sudbury Utilities

Green Business Strategy Summit

Green Communities Canada

Green Enterprise Toronto/Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas

Green Shovel





GreenSaver / Enbridge Gas Distribution / Toronto Hydro



Hear for Life

Hearth, Patio and BBQ Assoc of Canada

Homeowner Protection Centre

Inclusive Workplace and Supply Council of Canada (IWSCC)

Innovolve Group - Green Building Festival

International Chimney Company

International Declaration Against Unsustainable Salmon Farming

International Joint Commission (IJC)

ISG Capital Corporation

Jesuits of English Canada/Martyrs' Shrine

Jim Harris


Keep The Lights On

Kingcome Inlet Salmon

Land Rover Salvage


London Hydro / Elocity

Love Energy Consultants Inc

Marten Falls First Nation/Aroland First Nation

Mattamy Homes / Owens Corning Canada

Mining Inquiry Needs Everyone's Support

Minister of Energy and Infastructure George Smitherman

Minto Communities

Minto Group


MPP Phil McNeely

Municipality of Greenstone

Municipality of Greenstone/Aroland First Nation

Munk Centre for International Studies Program On Water Issues


Musgamagw-Tsawataineuk Tribal Council

Mushkegowuk Council

Mushkegowuk Council / Parks Canada / Muskegowuk Marine Conservation


Nader/Gonzalez Campaign


NAIMA Canada

Niigon Technologies Limited

Northern Edge Algonquin

Now House

Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation


Ocean Legacy Foundation & Surfrider Foundation Canada


One Change


Ontario Association for Impact Assessment

Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association

Ontario Beekeepers Association

Ontario Beekeepers’ Association / Les Apiculteurs et Apicultrices du Québec

Ontario Feed-in Tariff Supply Chain Forum

Ontario Forestry Association

Ontario Land Trust Association

Ontario Municipal Water Association

Ontario Nature

Ontario Nature / Alternative Land Use Services

Ontario Nature / Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment / David Suzuki Foundation

Ontario Nature / CPAWS Wildlands League / David Suzuki Foundation / Ecojustice / Earthroots

Ontario Nature / Earthroots / Sierra Club Canada / David Suzuki Foundation

Ontario Nature / North Durham Nature / Durham Region Field Naturalists / Pickering Naturalists

Ontario Nature, EcoSpark, OLTA, Earthroots, ORA, STORM Coalition, Plenty Canada

Ontario Nature/Greenpeace

Ontario Nature/Toronto Region Conservation Authority/Ontario Power Authority

Ontario Phragmites Working Group

Ontario Power Authority

Ontario Power Authority / Centre Wellington Hydro (ERIP)

Ontario Power Authority / Festival Hydro (ERIP)

Ontario Power Authority / Innisfil Hydro (ERIP)

Ontario Power Authority / Midland Power (ERIP)

Ontario Power Authority / Orillia Power (ERIP)

Ontario Power Authority / Parry Sound Power (ERIP)

Ontario Power Authority / Rideau St Lawrence Distribution Inc

Ontario Power Authority / Wasaga Distribution (ERIP)

Ontario Power Authority / Wellington North Power (ERIP)

Ontario Sustainable Energy Association

Ontario Tire Dealers Association

Ontario Waste Management Association

Ontario Waste Management Association / Recycling Council of Ontario



Oracle Poll Research

Oraclepoll Research

OraclePoll Research Inc/Environmental Communication Options


Owens Corning / Reid's Heritage Homes

Owens Corning Canada

Pacific Coast Wild Salmon Society

PacLease Truck Rental and Leasing



Pekisko Group

Pembina Institute

Pembina Institute/NAIMA Canada/Consumers Council of Canada

Penasi Communications

Plastic Action Centre, Recycling Council of Ontario and Walmart Canada

Polaron Solartech

Pollution Probe - Environmental Commissioner of Ontario

Potash Corp

Provident Development / Owens Corning Canada

Pure Salmon Campaign


Raincoast Conservation Foundation and Watershed Watch Salmon Society

Raincoast Research

Raincoast Research Society

Recycling Council of Ontario

Recycling Plus by The Beer Store

Reed Exhibitions

Reed Exhibitions/OSEA

Refrigerant Management Canada


REKO - Special Kids Ontario - Larcade

REKO - West Nile Virus Society

RenewABILITY Energy Inc

Ring of Fire Summit

Rodeo Fine Homes

Rogers Communications

Ruud Lighting


Salmon and Sacred

Salmon and Sea Lice

Salmon are Sacred

Salmon Feedlot Boycott

Salmon Feedlot Boycott - Chilliwack


Science Concepts International

Scotiabank - EcoLiving Award

Sea Shepherd Canada

Second Harvest / VCM International

Share the Road Cycling Coalition

Simpatico Song & Script

Sims Recycling Solutions

Sioux Lookout

Sioux Lookout & PACE

Sleeman and Recycling Council of Ontario

Small Change Fund


Solar Brokers Canada/Lowes

St Marys Cement

STEEP and Far North Developments



Super Heroes 4 Salmon

Surfrider Foundation


SWITCH/Green Communities Canada/NAIMA Canada

Tech Mahindra Ltd

The Beer Store

The Innovolve Group

The Mining Association of Canada


Tides Canada

ToneTag / Elocity

Tonolli Canada Ltd

Toronto Blockchain Week (TBW)

Toronto Centre Provincial Liberal Association

Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation

Toronto Cyclists Union

Toronto District School Board

Toronto Renewable Energy Co-operative

Town of Ajax

TransFair Canada

Treaty 3 - Grand Council

Treaty 9 First Nations

Tree Canada

Trees Ontario

Trees Ontario Foundation

Trees Ontario/Mirage

Trillium Power Wind Corporation

Two Feathers Forest Products

UDAPT (Union of Affected Peoples by Texaco)

Unflood Ontario

Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs

United Food and Commercial Workers - Local 12R24 / The Beer Store / Leukemia and Lymphoma Society f Canada


Vote for the Environment


Wabigoon Lake Ojibwa Nation/Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs


Water Power Group


Watershed Watch Salmon Society

Watershed Watch Salmon Society/SOS Marine Conservation Foundation

Watershed Watch Salmon Society/SOS Marine Conservation Foundation/David Suzuki Foundation


Whitefeather Forest Management

Wild Salmon are Sacred

Wild Salmon People

Wilderness Tourism Association

Willis Energy Services



Youth Climate Action Summit